Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Phone games

One of the joys of cell phones are all the cool games you can download. Having tried several, my new favorite is the crossword puzzle application. I like that I actually use my brain. This is new and different for me as conversing with the cats doesn't require a lot of brain power. A padded room maybe, but not much brain power.
A few days ago I noticed that I was having difficulty scrolling down on my phone. Uh-oh. My phone and I are INSEPARABLE! (Ask anyone who knows me.) And it isn't just the phone that I rely on. It also has web browsing, which I use a lot. I am able to check scores and schedules on if I am not in front of the TV on Sundays. I have to admit though that I mostly use it to prove that I am right. For instance, we were at a friend's house one night playing a game (I don't remember the name of the game but it was something like Taboo, where you have to guess what item your teammate is describing). The answer was "cake makeup". Well, according to the game card. The real answer is "pancake makeup". I know this. I also have a problem with being wrong. I can't handle it. Especially when I am NOT wrong. Especially when this answer cost us the game. AND it was guys against girls, so you know they hooted and hollered and rubbed our noses in it. Let's just say I was not happy. So on the way home, I whip out my trusty phone with its wonderful web browser and Google "cake makeup". Funny thing happens... it pulls up pancake makeup. Huh. Imagine that. All the entries are listed as, "blah blah pancake makeup", or "blah blah blah pan-cake makeup". I promptly screech,"SEE! I TOLD YOU IT WAS PANCAKE MAKEUP!" as I shove the phone under DB's nose. He refuses to look ("I'm trying to drive here!"). I won't let it die. I KNEW I was right and we lost the GAME because the GAME was wrong, NOT ME. Yes, I know, I have issues.
My point is, my phone is very important to me. And now the scrolling wheel is not working. No more crossword puzzles. No more Google-ing to prove I'm right. Yeah sure...I can still use it to call people, or take calls from people, but I can't scroll down to get my text messages. I have 3 currently staring at me, mocking me, knowing I am dying inside because I can't see what they say. AAARRRGGGHH!!
I ordered my new G1 phone on Sunday night. I paid for upgraded shipping. It arrived today and is charging. (Yes honey, I know work is slow and things are a little tight right now, but I needed it.) And if you are eligible for an upgrade, and have had your eye on this phone for a while, and even discussed getting it but were going to wait until spring, isn't it Fate trying to tell you to go ahead and get it? Besides, it was only $30 more than replacing it with the same model I currently have. (Well, if you are going to spend $150, you may as well go ahead and spend $30 more to get what you really want.) He really does get me. :)

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